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When to Invest in an App Health Check for Your Business: Three Scenarios

When to Invest in an App Health Check for Your Business: Three Scenarios

In the fast-paced realm of digital solutions, businesses face constant challenges in ensuring their mobile apps deliver optimal performance and returns. So, an App Health Check never hurts – but there are also some specific circumstances when it becomes invaluable and can save your organization from major headaches. This article identifies three scenarios that demand an App Health Check, or an analogous process, which can also be performed for any type of digital product, including web and backend solutions.

Not sure what an App Health Check consists of? Read my previous article to learn more.

Mergers & Acquisitions

The importance of due diligence cannot be overstated when it comes to mergers and acquisitions (M&A). As companies navigate the complexities of joining forces, the health and viability of their digital assets, including mobile applications, become pivotal factors in the decision-making process. An App Health Check can serve as an invaluable tool during M&A activities, offering a comprehensive evaluation of the target company's app portfolio or its other digital products.

Risk mitigation

Prior to an acquisition, understanding the health of the target company's mobile applications is crucial for risk mitigation. An App Health Check identifies potential vulnerabilities, security concerns, and performance issues that might pose risks to the acquiring company's investment.

Cost estimation

Evaluating the codebase, architecture, and overall quality of the apps provides insights into the potential costs of integration or refactoring post-acquisition. This upfront assessment aids in accurate cost estimation and strategic financial planning.

Strategic alignment

An App Health Check can go beyond technical aspects; our experts have the right know-how to assess how well the target company's app strategy aligns with the acquiring company's business goals. You can thus ensure that the digital assets are not only technically sound but also strategically aligned with the broader vision of the merged entity.

Future-proofing investments

By uncovering maintainability issues or outdated technologies in the target company's apps, an App Health Check helps the acquiring company make informed decisions about the longevity and scalability of the digital assets post-merger, safeguarding its investments for the future.

Technical environment assessment

Beyond app-specific considerations, an App Health Check can be extended to evaluate the broader technical environment of the target company. This includes an in-depth examination of internal processes, technical competencies, utilized technologies, team structures, and the status of documentation.

Process efficiency and alignment

Understanding the internal processes of the target company is crucial for a seamless integration. An App Health Check can assess the efficiency of development, testing, and deployment processes, ensuring they align with the acquiring company's standards and facilitating a smoother transition.

Technical competencies and skill gaps

Identifying the skill set within the existing development team provides insights into potential strengths and weaknesses. Understanding the technical competencies allows the acquiring company to anticipate skill gaps and plan for necessary training or team restructuring.

Technology stack compatibility

An App Health Check examines the technology stack employed by the target company. Compatibility with the acquiring company's technology ecosystem is essential for harmonious integration, preventing conflicts and streamlining collaboration across teams.

Documentation status

The status of technical documentation is often an overlooked yet critical aspect of a successful merger. An App Health Check verifies the completeness and accuracy of documentation, providing a foundation for knowledge transfer and ongoing development post-acquisition.

Vendor verification

Thorough vendor verification is essential to ensure that your business entrusts itself to reliable partners. For companies that lack internal resources to double-check deliverables, our App Health Check emerges as a crucial tool, offering comprehensive insights into the quality of work delivered by a vendor and determining the feasibility of an ongoing collaboration.

Quality assurance

An App Health Check serves as a rigorous quality assurance measure, assessing the performance, security, and overall health of the mobile applications developed by external providers. This ensures that the delivered products meet the highest standards and align with the client's expectations. On top of verifying the code's quality, the process also assesses its maintainability, scalability, and adherence to best practices, providing a clear picture of the vendor's coding standards.

Security audit

Security breaches pose significant risks to an application and, by extension, to the client's business. An App Health Check thoroughly evaluates the security measures implemented in the app, identifying vulnerabilities and ensuring that the vendor's work meets stringent security standards.

Vendor accountability

When considering an ongoing partnership, it is crucial to hold vendors accountable for the quality of their work. An App Health Check provides an objective and evidence-based assessment, enabling clients to initiate informed discussions about areas that require improvement or refinement.

Cost-effectiveness analysis

Assessing the quality of work goes hand in hand with evaluating the cost-effectiveness of the collaboration. An App Health Check aids in determining whether the delivered value justifies the investment made, helping clients make data-driven decisions about the continued viability of the partnership.

Long-term viability

Beyond immediate concerns, an App Health Check assesses the long-term viability of the solutions delivered by the vendor. This includes considerations of future scalability, adaptability to emerging technologies, and the vendor's commitment to continuous improvement.

Replacing vs. modernizing legacy applications

Companies often find themselves at the crossroads when they want to strengthen their commitment to the digital space, but already have a legacy application that does not meet the needs of current users. The decision to refresh the existing application or develop a new one from scratch has significant implications and as such requires careful consideration. In this scenario, an App Health Check offers a comprehensive evaluation that aids in making informed decisions about the future of the existing application or other software.

Legacy code assessment

An App Health Check begins with a thorough examination of the legacy codebase. This analysis assesses the code's structure, quality, and adherence to contemporary coding standards. Understanding the current state of the code provides insights into potential challenges and opportunities for improvement.

Performance and UX evaluation

Legacy applications often face issues related to performance and user experience. An App Health Check evaluates these aspects, identifying bottlenecks, slow loading times, and areas where the user experience can be enhanced. This analysis informs whether a mere refresh can address these concerns or if a more substantial redevelopment is necessary.

Scalability and future-proofing

Assessing the scalability of the existing application is crucial for determining its viability in the long run. An App Health Check considers the capacity of the legacy code to adapt to future growth and technological advancements, guiding the decision-making process on whether to refresh or build anew.

Technology stack compatibility

The compatibility of the legacy technology stack with modern frameworks and tools is a key consideration. An App Health Check evaluates whether the current technology stack hinders or facilitates future development efforts, helping companies decide whether a technology overhaul is necessary for sustained relevance.

Cost-benefit analysis

Undertaking a cost-benefit analysis is integral to the decision-making process. An App Health Check can not only identify areas of improvement but also estimate the costs associated with a refresh or redevelopment. This analysis aids in determining the most cost-effective and value-driven approach for the organization.

Maintainability and technical debt

Legacy applications often accumulate technical debt over time. An App Health Check sheds light on the level of technical debt in the existing codebase and assesses the feasibility of addressing it through a refresh. This is crucial for maintaining long-term application health.


Ensuring the success of your mobile app or other software means focusing on performance, user experience, and security. The App Health Check can be your key to maintaining the level of excellence that you aim for. Our approach goes beyond tech evaluations. It helps make smart decisions, build user trust, and align digital efforts with overall business goals. As the digital landscape evolves, the App Health Check proves its value as a crucial element in achieving app excellence, resilience, and steady growth.

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