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Jan. 24, 2025 1 min read

Future Mind warns about phishing scams misusing its brand

Future Mind warns about phishing scams misusing its brand

The Polish digital transformation company Future Mind warns about a
potential phishing scam, circulating in WhatsApp. The scam appears to target
mainly US consumers, by misusing the Future Mind brand to fraudulently
obtain user data or solicit money transfers. The customers or employees of
Future Mind have not been affected. The company has reported the ‘Future
Mind me’ scam and the misuse of its brand to the cyber security officials.

Warsaw, Poland – Future Mind, a leading Polish technology company, has identified
a phishing scam that misuses its brand to target consumers via WhatsApp. The
scam involves fraudulent websites and misleading communications aimed at
obtaining user data or soliciting money transfers. Current evidence suggests the
scam predominantly affects US consumers. The customers or operations of Future
Mind have not been affected.

Future Mind has taken immediate action and reported the misuse of its brand to
cybersecurity authorities. The company is monitoring the situation, collaborating with
the relevant authorities, and taking action to ensure that fraudulent websites
exploiting its brand are removed.

Future Mind, part of the Solita Group of companies operating in nine countries
across Europe, is an award-winning Polish technology company specializing in
mobile, digital, and e-commerce solutions. Future Mind does not provide financial,
investment or promotional services to consumers and does not actively operate in
the United States

Rise in phishing scams misusing known brand names

Cybersecurity incidents worldwide reported a significant rise in phishing attacks
during 2024. These scams exploit trusted names and brands to deceive individuals
into revealing personal data or making fraudulent transactions.

"Anyone can fall victim to a scam. We are deeply concerned to see the Future Mind
brand being misused in illegal attempts to phish for personal data or financial fraud
and are committed to sharing information and helping to prevent further scams,”
Tomasz Koperski, Chief Technology Officer of Future Mind.

Avoid these potentially malicious domains

For Future Mind – a Solita company, the official domain is, and the
company does not use other domains.
Related to the scam, several fake websites have been identified, including the
following: (Note. DO NOT visit these domains)

Please ignore and delete any messages you may receive from these instances.

What you should do

The phishing scam leverages the Future Mind name, creating fake websites and
communications to trick victims into sharing personal data or making payments.
Fraudsters have been known to engage victims with offers of fictional jobs, such as
product promotion or data optimization. These schemes may involve requests for
personal details, banking credentials, or monetary transfers.

If you receive any suspicious communication claiming to be from Future Mind or
promoting job offers or investment opportunities, take the following steps:

  • Do not share personal information. Avoid sharing contact details, banking
    information, or other sensitive data with unknown sources.
  • Be cautious with unsolicited messages. If contacted via WhatsApp, SMS,
    email, or phone by an unknown source, do not click on any links or respond to
    questions. When in doubt, confirm the sender’s identity through a trusted
  • Report scams to your local authorities.

Be aware

  • Future Mind does not use WhatsApp messaging in their marketing or
    customer communications.
  • Future Mind is not involved in recruiting consumers in any marketing,
    promotion or investment programs.
  • Future Mind is not involved in any crypto-related activity.

The official domain of Future Mind is

For more information:

Tomasz Koperski, Chief Technology Officer,
[email protected]

Julia Dudziak-Dropko, Communications Manager
+48 729 115 231
[email protected]

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