Customer Experience E-commerce
Maciej Cieślukowski Emilia Adamek
Digital Transformation Business
Izabela Franke
Digital Advisory E-commerce
Izabela Franke
Digital Advisory UX research
Jakub Nawrocki
Product Design Design Systems
Łukasz Okoński
Digital Advisory UX research
Maciej Cieślukowski

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Customer Experience E-commerce
Maciej Cieślukowski Emilia Adamek
Digital Transformation Business
Izabela Franke
Digital Advisory E-commerce
Izabela Franke
Digital Advisory UX research
Jakub Nawrocki
Product Design Design Systems
Łukasz Okoński
Digital Advisory UX research
Maciej Cieślukowski
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Featured Insights

Understand Digital
Market Dynamics

Understand and identify the driving forces of your market

Let’s dive deep into the digital business landscape to spot opportunities that can drive your business growth.

Digital business ecosystem services

trend analisys

Trend analysis

By scrutinizing market, social, tech, and consumer trends, we can pinpoint signals that shape your business and customer behavior. 

Converting these trends into opportunities,
we’ll help you tailor your product to customer expectations and ensure you swiftly adapt
to changing market dynamics.

competitor landscape

Competition landscape

Grasping the market context is vital for designing successful strategies. 

That’s why we’ll analyze and map your competitors not just within the industry, but also seek broader patterns, yielding a holistic business perspective and positioning your business accurately against the entire ecosystem.


Opportunity & market sizing

Once we fully comprehend your digital business landscape and its driving forces,
we can identify and assess business opportunities. 

With a clear plan for implementation and monetization, we’ll help you uncover growth drivers and establish strategic goals to achieve.



Effective benchmarking is a powerful resource for gaining a competitive edge. By comparing the functionalities, concepts, or communications of your rivals, we can gather deep quantitative and qualitative insights into these features. 

This allows us to not only identify the strengths and weaknesses of your digital product but also pinpoint any gaps that need attention.


Stakeholder landscape

By mapping stakeholders, we grasp the dynamics influencing your customers, product owners, sponsors, and all business contacts. 

This deepens our insights into your digital business ecosystem, revealing the motivations of each participant. We can assess stakeholder strengths and directions to help you shape impactful strategies.


Digital maturity assessment

We’ll evaluate your digital readiness in five key areas: skills, processes, tools, channels, and market positioning. Then, we’ll benchmark this against industry standards, giving you a clear view of where you stand. 

These valuable insights can inform your future business strategy and are particularly useful for portfolio companies.

Want to gain a deeper understanding
of your digital business landscape?

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Kacper Urzykowski

Kacper Urzykowski

Digital Strategy Manager

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