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Maciej Cieślukowski Emilia Adamek
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Polish Retail in 2024: What Are Retailers Planning?

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iPad - Barometr - 06 - EN



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How do retailers evaluate 2023?

2023 is almost behind us, so it's time to summarize this year's trends and events in the retail industry. Which sales channel has grown the fastest and what factors have had the greatest impact on consumer decisions in the past 12 months?

Download the sixth edition of Barometr Retail, a regular survey by Future Mind, to see how retail and technology experts assess the condition of the industry in 2023.

What’s in store for retail in 2024?

With inflation showing signs of stabilization, over 34% of retailers are making it a priority to attract new customers in the upcoming months. What lies ahead for the retail industry in 2024, and will the predictions of our respondents come true?

  • What will the retail sector look like in 2024?
  • Which trend is likely to have the greatest impact on digital commerce?
  • In what technologies are retailers planning to invest?

download barometr retail

“2023 is almost in the rearview mirror, making it the first year since 2020 that hasn't been overshadowed by the pandemic. Now, we can take a more conscious look at the retail world, driven by consumers spending more time online.”

Tomasz Woźniak

Tomasz Woźniak

CEO & partner


Tomasz Woźniak

ceo / Partner

Izabela Franke

Head of Advisory

Konrad Synoradzki

Allegro Senior Manager Product & Engineering

Paweł Wasilewski

Head of Solutions

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