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Data monetization – the key to unlocking new revenue streams

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iPad - Barometr - 04 - PL



questions analyzed


expert comments

First half of 2024 hasn’t been
kind to Polish retailers

Two-thirds of Polish retailers think the industry's performance
in the first half of 2024 was weak or average. Can experts spy
a silver lining on the retail horizon?

Download the seventh edition of Barometr Retail, a regular survey by Future Mind, to learn more about the retail landscape and see how retail and technology experts assess the latest industry changes.

Opportunities and challenges for the retail industry – what do experts plan?

Nearly 79% of retailers point to rising operating costs as the greatest challenge facing the Polish retail sector. Respondents also cite the uncertain geopolitical and economic situation among the problematic issues.

On the flip side, experts identify the primary opportunities for retail in the use of AI to personalize products, services, and marketing communications, as well as in the development of m-commerce and mobile solutions. What are the AI and IT investment plans of Polish companies for 2025?

Retailers vs consumer data.
Is monetization the key to growth?

Just under 50% of Polish companies have a consumer data strategy, with only one in ten lacking one or not planning to create one. However, will recognizing the importance of data be enough
for retailers to take action and monetize consumer insights
in the coming quarters?

Download Barometr Retail to find out:

  • How do Polish retail companies collect
and utilize consumer data?
  • What tools and methods do retailers employ
for data monetization?
  • According to experts, what are the main obstacles
to successful monetization of consumer data?

download barometr retail

“While not all retailers can boast well-performing consumer data monetization processes, more and more decision-makers are starting to recognize how crucial this aspect is. Nearly 85% of respondents stated that their company either has a consumer data strategy or plans to create one.”


Tomasz Woźniak


Tomasz Woźniak


Izabela Franke

head of advisory

Emil Waszkowski

Head of strategy

Piotr Szałaśny

director GK Martes Sport

Marcin Zduńczyk

Business Solutions Analyst

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