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Maciej Cieślukowski Emilia Adamek
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Product development roadmap, UX research, and customer journey mapping for Reserved app

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Leading apparel retailer in CEE

and largest player in Poland

Over 2200 stores

across three continents

Five major clothing brands

available in 39 countries

Listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange

One of Poland’s TOP20 publicly traded companies

Over 41M online orders

completed annually


Retail Fashion


The launch date was approaching for the m-commerce application that we had developed for Reserved, one of LPP’s leading brands.

The Client decided to use our Advisory services to gain a deeper understanding of its customers and plan out a roadmap for the app’s further development.

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  • Discover keys to high engagement and retention in a saturated market
  • Combine user needs with business requirements
  • Define the mobile app’s role in the omnichannel customer journey

Scope of work

Explore all our services

Digital Strategy

  • Strategy workshop
  • Market analysis & benchmarking
  • Feature prioritization
  • Development roadmap

Discovery & UX Research

  • In-depth interviews
  • Customer journey mapping
  • Strategy validation
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We started the project by organizing a strategy workshop for LPP stakeholders.

The Reserved app was planned to launch in a few months, and the Client needed to plan out a roadmap of future development based on up-to-date information about the market situation and customer preferences.

During the workshop, we presented a set of industry benchmarks and inspirations. Then, we organized a brainstorming session and collaborated with LPP decision makers to prepare an initial roadmap and conceptualize features to be introduced.

LPP customer journey mapping

In order to validate the conclusions from the workshop, we reached out to future app users.

We recruited twenty participants who were either current of potential Reserved customers and organized UX research sessions composed of in-depth interviews and usability tests.

Our goal was to understand their preferences and motivations, verify the app’s current usability, and validate the feature ideas we had envisioned during the workshop.

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The insightful conversations with consumers allowed us to create a customer journey map.

We built a detailed profile of the Reserved customer persona and analyzed her needs, preferences, and behaviors across eight online and offline touch points.

Based on the usability tests that had the users interact with the soon-to-be-launched application, we prepared a list of recommendations with design tweaks that would improve online and offline customer experience and streamline the customer journey.

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We studied user expectations and assessed them against business needs to build a product roadmap.

The information we gathered during the workshop with stakeholders and in-depth interviews with potential customers allowed us to compare the two groups’ visions.

We analyzed the initial roadmap we had co-created with LPP decision makers and prepared recommendations on which features were the most crucial and should be prioritized in future development.

We also provided suggestions for composable commerce solutions that could be implemented to extend the app’s functionality.


We helped LPP implement a long-term mobile strategy to dominate fashion m-commerce in CEE.

  • Evaluated customer experience in the form of a customer journey map, with recommendations for ensuring a seamless omnichannel experience
  • Prepared a mobile app development strategy, including setting out a general vision and objectives for the mobile channel as well as specific action points required to meet them

LPP cooperation story

Future Mind has supported LPP in becoming one of EMEA’s leaders in fashion m-commerce and retail innovation.

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