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AR mobile app for Packhelp, marketplace for custom branded packaging

Packhelp 1 x Future Mind
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Online marketplace

for custom branded packaging

8+ years

on the market

50 000+ customers

in over 30 countries


Retail Consumer services


Packhelp needed a solution that would allow their customers to accurately assess product-box compatibility before making a purchase.

The company even decided to send box samples to customers, however, this approach turned out to be highly inefficient.

Packhelp reached out to us and we leveraged Apple's cutting-edge AR technology featured in iOS 11 to help them.

CS pack help Graphic Template


  • Develop an app using ARKit, a framework for building augmented reality experiences
  • Plan a roadmap for future app development

Scope of work

Explore all our services

Discovery & UX Research

  • UX research
  • Usability tests

Product Design

  • UX design
  • UI design

Mobile Development

  • ARKit Ios development
CS_pack help

Packhelp was our first app developed exclusively for iOS 11, without compatibility with previous systems.

We were determined to shed old habits and embrace new APIs, including the Codable protocol, Safe area-aware layout, and, of course, ARKit. Implementing the latter necessitated revisiting some mathematical concepts from our high school days.

We successfully integrated all these elements into an intuitive app, enriched with customized UI features.

pack help

The app offers essential functionalities that allow users to:

  • Browse all available box types and dimensions
  • Access and search all their designs
  • Bring box designs to life using augmented reality
  • Choose a transparency mode that makes it possible
    to visualize how selected items fit within different boxes
  • Benchmark various boxes and dimensions
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We created one of the pioneering ARKit e-commerce software solutions,

and it took us only three months to complete the project. With the app, users can see what the boxes look like in real life and check them out from various angles.

Additionally, the app integrates with a web panel, making it possible for users to log in and visualize their designs using the web application.


Our cooperation with Packhelp led to the development of an innovative AR app that increased the Client’s efficiency.

  • Improved customer experience and satisfaction
  • Optimized cost-effectiveness of assessing product-box compatibility

Future Mind

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Michał Klimczak

Head of Mobile
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Michał Klimczak

Head of Mobile
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