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AI-driven B2E app for optimizing operations of Żabka's convenience stores

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Largest convenience store network

in Central and Eastern Europe

10 000+ stores

across Poland


of B2C mobile app “Żappka”

15.5M customers

across Poland

8000 franchisees

across Poland

50+ autonomous stores

across Europe


Convenience Retail


We had already successfully delivered numerous software solutions for Żabka, so it’s no wonder the company asked us to develop its newest B2E application.

Our goal was to digitalize Żabka’s shop floor operations and optimize the work of the tens of thousands of cashiers hired by the company’s franchisees with the use of AI.

The app would become a natural successor to Frappka, a store performance management tool for Żabka franchisees we had created several years back.

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  • Develop an AI-driven shop floor management application composed of modules for handling various operational challenges
  • Implement robust reporting and shop floor status tracking features
  • Integrate each module with the Client’s internal systems and appropriate external systems

Scope of work

Explore all our services

Web Development

  • Python development
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Internal platform integration
  • External platform integration

Mobile Development

  • Native Android App

Product Maintenance

  • System monitoring
  • Service Level management
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Building a genuinely life-changing shop floor management system required us to implement a complex web of interdependencies

between our application and various external systems. We developed a Django-based software solution that processes enormous amounts of data. Every franchisee now has an up-to-date, detailed status of their Żabka stores at their disposal at all times.

How long until unsold vegetables have to be disposed of? Does the current product placement on the shelves meet franchise requirements? Does a freezer require some repairs? This is just a fraction of the issues our app is continuously monitoring.


At every store, hundreds of data points are constantly being processed

and passed on to integrated platforms like Snowflake, SAP, and Azure Directory. Artificial Intelligence algorithms respond to the shop floor situation and generate appropriate recommendations in real time. This allows for optimal prioritization of employees’ tasks and automating the majority of the processes that make up everyday operations.

As Asystent Żabka serves for internal purposes, the Client chose
a single device it would run on. We used the design resources provided by Żabka to build the frontend as an Android tablet application. We developed the solution with native technologies
to ensure optimal performance.


The AI-driven app facilitates the work of shop floor employees by applying numerous mobile features.

Cashiers receive notifications that inform them when to perform a task, e.g., apply a discount to a near-expired product or place more hot dogs on the roller grill. This reduces employees’ cognitive load and allows them to focus on performing tasks instead of monitoring dozens of ever-changing variables at the same time.

Our AI algorithms provide real-time recommendations that allow employees to make optimal decisions. Cashiers work faster, execute tasks in the most favorable order, and make fewer mistakes. The app automates a large part of responsibilities, simplifies the remaining tasks, and provides an objective record of tasks to be completed and employee performance.

This contributes to a more stable, less stressful work environment. The operational optimization leads to reduced food waste, more thorough hardware maintenance, and less need for human labor, thus generating cost savings.


Cashiers can also use the tablet’s camera to take pictures of the results of their work

and compare them with the franchise’s requirements, e.g., the exact way products should be placed on shelves.

Additionally, the app serves to streamline the communication between shop floor employees and management. Cashiers can easily mark tasks as completed or provide context for why something didn’t happen – e.g., they couldn’t hang the new posters because they did not arrive on time.



The app has automated and optimized all Żabka stores across Poland with AI algorithms.

  • Cornerstone of OptiPlan, the ongoing effort for the digital transformation of Żabka stores
  • Improved employee performance
  • Increased employee satisfaction
  • Decreased operational costs

10 000+ stores

optimized and automated

Vector (1)

Digital Excellence Awards 2022

win in “Transformational Capabilities” category

Vector (1)

Mobile Trends Awards 2022

win in “Mobile-Based Business Solution” category

zabka coop story OG

Żabka cooperation story

Future Mind has accompanied Żabka on the path towards dominance in the CEE convenience store industry

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